Літаратурная творчасць

Sri Chinmoy writing1

The prose and poetry of Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy’s published works in the West span from 1970 into the new millennium – and number over 1550. Sri Chinmoy’s literary outpouring covers many different genres – seer-poems and mantras of the heighest height, wisdom-flooded aphorisms, world-wide university lectures, full-length plays on the Avatars, one-act plays based on the Indian classics, commentaries on India's ancient scriptures of India and answers to spiritual seekers' questions. Sri Chinmoy has also written most eloquent tributes in poetry and prose to some of the leading luminaries of our times.

On a lighter note, his collected works contain stories at once enlightening and entertaining, hundreds of which have been enacted by his students worldwide.


Sri Chinmoy has published over 1,550 books to date that include:

115,500+ Published Poems

47,000 poems from “Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees”
27,000 poems from “Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants”
10,000 poems from “Ten Thousand Flower-Flames”
2,240 rhyming poems
1,301 poems written in 24 hours (August 7th-8th, 1996)

The finish of 10,000 Flower-Flames on July 3rd, 1983

63 Plays published in 16 books including

11 full length plays (7 on the lives of the Avatars)
52 one-act plays

Sri Chinmoy performing in his own play, “The Son”, on August 27th, 1974.
Sri Chinmoy Lectures

389 University Lectures

272 lectures at universities in the USA
117 at universities in other countries

Offering a lecture on Sri Aurobindo at King’s College, University of Cambridge, November 12th, 1997

3,950+ Published Stories

400 serious stories
476 biographical stories
333 autobiographical stories
398 light or entertaining stories
2,287 autobiographical anecdotes
54 children's stories
6 translations of other Bengali writers

675+ Published Jokes




Some of Sri Chinmoy’s early books were accepted by distinguished publishing houses such as Simon & Schuster, Rudolf Steiner and Herder & Herder. In recent years, Hazeldon, Health Communications, Blue Dove Press, Simon & Schuster and New Holland Publishers (Australia) have released major books by Sri Chinmoy. Sales of The Wings of Joy have soared to nearly 65,000.